Resilient Wives

A Guide for Wives Supporting Their Husband Through

Childhood Trauma Recovery

After three years of struggling in an unhappy marriage, I uncovered my husband's terrible history of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of the church. He had not told anyone this terrible secret until me. Our marriage hit rock bottom. We had a toddler and a stepdaughter, and I'd finally had enough. When I left, and he realized that he was about ready to lose everything, he knew that he had to tell his story and deal with it in order for us to make it. 
I've spent the last eight years learning how childhood sexual abuse affects adult relationships and intimacy in a marriage. I've also had to learn how to get the support I needed to get me through those times, and I had to learn the hard way that if I didn't take care of myself, I wasn't going to be the best support that I could be.
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Resilient Wives

A Guide for Wives Supporting Their Husband Through Childhood Trauma Recovery

After three years of struggling in an unhappy marriage, I uncovered my husband's terrible history of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of the church. He had not told anyone this terrible secret until me. Our marriage hit rock bottom. We had a toddler and a stepdaughter, and I'd finally had enough. When I left, and he realized that he was about ready to lose everything, he knew that he had to tell his story and deal with it in order for us to make it. 


I've spent the last eight years learning how childhood sexual abuse affects adult relationships and intimacy in a marriage. I've also had to learn how to get the support I needed to get me through those times, and I had to learn the hard way that if I didn't take care of myself, I wasn't going to be the best support that I could be.

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LeeAnn Ogilvie

"Once started, this is difficult to put down and get ready mark some pages. The author offers an often unspoken and unique view on the impact childhood abuse. Such a great resource and reminder of the power of family and resilience."

Diane Powers

"A must read for anyone who knows a man who was sexually abused as a child. The trauma of this abuse, usually by someone known to the child, causes a lifelong struggle with trust and intimacy; coupled with depression and PTSD. It will help explain behaviors that seem out of character to the individual. The book is written for women married to a man with this history, giving insight on how she can cope as the healing, in the person she loves, begins to happen."Ā 

Blair C. Davison, M.D., Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

"Danielle guides wives through the steps to a stronger self, marriage, and family. The Wife-CARE process that Danielle shares is a powerful tool for building resilience not only in women wanting to support their husbands but for anyone who is in a committed relationship with a survivor of abuse."

Challenges You May Be Facing...

Feeling lonely and afraid you can't fix this


Confused about what your husband is actually feeling and thinking

Taking things personally when your husband is angry or withdrawing


Not sure what to say without making things worse

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Vicki T

If you are married to, or in a relationship with a man who endured childhood sexual abuse, this is the book for you. You will greatly benefit from the wisdom of Danielleā€™s writings. She offers practical suggestions and stresses the importance of self-care. She holds nothing back and you sense the authenticity of her experience. Sheā€™s been there and come through it with hope, walking hand-in-hand with her husband, a childhood survivor.Ā 

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Free Gift #1 Four Secrets I Learned That Helped Keep My Marriage Together Webinar

Free Gift #2 30 Days of Affirmations for Wives Supporting Their Husbands

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