Welcome to Danielle Sebastian's personal blog where she shares her inspiring stories and learnings to help partners navigating the complex challenges of being in a relationship with someone who survived childhood trauma.

4 Things Self-Help Books Don't Tell You About Trauma and Relationships

Truth time: Navigating marriage with a trauma survivor is different!

If you are at a loss with knowing what to do with a partner who's survived childhood trauma, you are not alone. ...

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Easy! 5 Steps to Building Trust with a Trauma Survivor

Hey there! So, you're looking to make a real difference in the life of someone who's had a rough start, dealing with childhood trauma? I get it. It might seem like a daunting task, but guess what?...

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Are your Relationship Issues Due To Your Husband's Childhood Trauma?

How do you know if some of your relationship issues could be due to your husband's past childhood trauma? A traumatic childhood leaves profound marks on a person's emotional health and the coping...

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3 Ways to Combat “Quiet Quitting” in Your Marriage

I've been hearing about this concept of quiet quitting when it comes to people and their jobs. But, I've been talking to a lot of wives lately and the phrase quiet quitting made me think about how...

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Breaking the Cycle of Self-Blame: Strategies for Partners of Trauma Survivors

Low self-esteem or self-loathing for a child trauma survivor are sad byproducts of the trauma they endured, but how this manifests in adult relationships is often misunderstood and can be very...

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Understanding & Navigating Emotion Swings in Partners with Childhood Trauma

Today, let's explore the emotional whirlwind of a relationship with someone who survived childhood trauma.

You may be experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions where one minute things seem to...

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3 Sad Ways Being a Partner of Someone With a Traumatic Childhood Stops You From Having a Healthy Relationship

Today, we journey into the complex intricacies of love, relationships, and the profound impact of childhood trauma. Childhood is a foundational phase of human life - it is the bedrock of our...

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Eggshells & Empathy: Navigating Love with Childhood Trauma Survivors


Imagine waking up every day with a mix of hope and trepidation. You're hoping to face the day with renewed energy but are overshadowed by a looming uncertainty. Life feels like a series of...

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Trauma in Marriage: Why Date Nights Aren't Enough

Do you ever feel like there's an impenetrable wall between you and your husband? Like he's distant or perhaps even seems to avoid spending time with you? If so, you're not alone. There's an...

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